#!/usr/bin/sh pandoc -f markdown -t html5 --self-contained --css=./pandoc.css --metadata=title:"glit.sh setup notes" << END_MARKDOWN This document describes how you could set up a server like [glit.sh](https://glit.sh) yourself. It's also a reminder of how I set this server up, so that I can figure out what's going on when I look back at this in a week ;) It's still a work in progress - see [my TODO list](./todo.sh) for the stuff I want to get to but haven't yet :) I'm running on a [DigitalOcean](https://www.digitalocean.com/) \$5/month machine, running \`$(sed "s/\\\n\ \\\l//g" /etc/issue)\` in the \`$(curl\` region. I have DigitalOcean's weekly backups turned on in addition to the daily tarsnap backups described below for redundancy. **DO NOT** use a floating IP - you will not be able to send outbound mail if you do. The name of the droplet should be the hostname that you will be sending mail from, so that the PTR record is set correctly. Note that there may be some path-dependency issues in this document, particularly around the HTTPS setup - I'm not describing things in exactly the order I did them, since a lot of this doc pulls info and config files from the running system. ## dns setup * Add \`A\` and \`AAAA\` records for \`@\` and \`src\` * Add \`CAA\` record \`issue\` - \`letsencrypt.org\` for \`@\` and \`src\` * Add \`MX\` pointing to \`glit.sh\` (I set priority 10, but it doesn't matter) * Add \`TXT\` record for \`@\` set to \`v=spf1 a mx -all\`. * DKIM is also configured, but you need to wait until you've generated the keys to set that up :) * Add a \`TXT\` record for \`_dmarc\` set to \`v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; sp=quarantine; rua=mailto:wesleyac@glit.sh; ruf=mailto:wesleyac@glit.sh; rf=afrf; pct=100; ri=86400\` (wait until you've set up DKIM to do this) * I added a \`CNAME\` record for [\`status\`](https://status.glit.sh/), to point to \`qkka.status.updown.io\`. ## web server setup ### install software \`\`\`bash apt update apt upgrade apt install lighttpd git socat # important apt install curl telnet man htop tmux strace lsof expect make dtrx pandoc # just for fun (and rendering this doc!) \`\`\` ### HTTPS Setup Do this as root, in your home directory (\`/root/\`). \`\`\`bash git clone https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh.git (cd ./acme.sh && ./acme.sh --install) mkdir -vp /var/www/html/.well-known/acme-challenge/ chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/.well-known/acme-challenge/ chmod -R 0555 /var/www/html/.well-known/acme-challenge/ mkdir -p /etc/lighttpd/ssl/glit.sh/ (cd /etc/lighttpd/ssl/glit.sh/ && openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem -dsaparam 4096) # log out and in again to get acme.sh in your path acme.sh --issue -w /var/www/html -d glit.sh -d src.glit.sh -k 4096 \`\`\` Set \`/root/.acme.sh/glit.sh/hook.sh\` to contain: \`\`\`bash $(cat /root/.acme.sh/glit.sh/hook.sh) \`\`\` Then run: \`\`\`bash chmod +x .acme.sh/glit.sh/hook.sh acme.sh --installcert -d glit.sh -d src.glit.sh \\ --capath /etc/lighttpd/ssl/glit.sh/ca.cer \\ --reloadcmd /root/.acme.sh/glit.sh/hook.sh \`\`\` ### \`lighttpd\` setup \`\`\`bash rm /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/99-unconfigured.conf touch /var/log/lighttpd/access.log chown www-data:www-data /var/log/lighttpd/access.log \`\`\` Set \`/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf\` to contain the following: \`\`\` $(cat /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf) \`\`\` This gets me an A+ on the [SSL Labs](https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=glit.sh) test :) ### view source details make a \`/root/viewsrc.sh\` file: \`\`\`bash $(cat /root/viewsrc.sh) \`\`\` this is to prevent shebangs with colons in them from being treated as HTTP headers ## postfix setup \`\`\`bash apt install mailutils postfix # select "Internet Site" in postfix config \`\`\` edit \`/etc/postfix/main.cf\` to contain the following (change the \`mydestination\` line): \`\`\` $(cat /etc/postfix/main.cf) \`\`\` restart postfix: \`\`\`bash systemctl restart postfix \`\`\` try to send mail: \`\`\`bash echo "<3 <3 <3" | mail -s "Glit.sh test email" me@wesleyac.com \`\`\` discover that you're on the CBL blacklist. Remove host from CBL blacklist. Try to send mail again. Discover that you're greylisted by Fastmail. Cry. The [SparkPost Authentication Checker](https://www.sparkpost.com/email-tools/authentication-checker/) may be useful for verifying that SPF is set up correctly. ### dkim setup \`\`\`bash apt install opendkim opendkim-tools opendkim-genkey -D /etc/dkimkeys/ -d glit.sh -s mail chown opendkim:opendkim /etc/dkimkeys/* chmod go-rwx /etc/dkimkeys/* mkdir -p /var/spool/postfix/var/run/opendkim chown opendkim. /var/spool/postfix/var/run/opendkim chmod go-rwx /var/spool/postfix/var/run/opendkim chmod g+x /var/spool/postfix/var/run/opendkim \`\`\` edit \`/etc/opendkim.conf\`: \`\`\` $(cat /etc/opendkim.conf) \`\`\` create \`/etc/dkimkeys/keytable\`: \`\`\` $(cat /etc/dkimkeys/keytable) \`\`\` create \`/etc/dkimkeys/signingtable\`: \`\`\` $(cat /etc/dkimkeys/signingtable) \`\`\` create \`/etc/dkimkeys/trustedhosts\`: \`\`\` $(cat /etc/dkimkeys/trustedhosts) \`\`\` \`\`\`bash systemctl restart opendkim adduser postfix opendkim \`\`\` Make a DNS TXT record based on \`/etc/dkimkeys/mail.txt\`. ## firewall setup \`\`\`bash apt install ufw ufw allow ssh ufw allow http ufw allow https ufw allow 25 ufw enable \`\`\` ## add a user! \`\`\`bash adduser wesleyac usermod -aG sudo wesleyac mkdir /home/wesleyac/.ssh chown wesleyac:wesleyac /home/wesleyac/.ssh/ cp .ssh/authorized_keys /home/wesleyac/.ssh/authorized_keys chown wesleyac:wesleyac /home/wesleyac/.ssh/authorized_keys \`\`\` there's a script at \`/root/mkusers.py\` that listens on \`localhost:420\` for requests to add users: \`\`\`python $(cat /root/mkusers.py) \`\`\` and a systemd file to start it on boot at \`/lib/systemd/system/mkusers.service\`: \`\`\` $(cat /lib/systemd/system/mkusers.service) \`\`\` which you can enable via: \`\`\`bash systemctl start mkusers systemctl enable mkusers \`\`\` ## disable ssh root and password login *(i might undo this soon, this is just while i have really weak passwords set for testing)* edit \`/etc/ssh/sshd_config\`: \`\`\` ChallengeResponseAuthentication no PasswordAuthentication no UsePAM no PermitRootLogin no \`\`\` \`\`\`bash sudo systemctl reload ssh \`\`\` ## set up backups via [tarsnap](http://www.tarsnap.com/) \`\`\`bash apt install gpg wget https://pkg.tarsnap.com/tarsnap-deb-packaging-key.asc # verify signature apt-key add tarsnap-deb-packaging-key.asc echo "deb http://pkg.tarsnap.com/deb/\$(lsb_release -s -c) ./" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tarsnap.list apt-get update apt install tarsnap tarsnap-keygen --keyfile /root/tarsnap-main.key --user me@wesleyac.com --machine glitsh tarsnap-keymgmt --outkeyfile tarsnap.key -w tarsnap-main.key # save tarsnap-main.key somewhere safe then delete it from the server \`\`\` make a \`/root/tarsnap-backup.sh\` file: \`\`\`bash $(cat /root/tarsnap-backup.sh) \`\`\` and go ahead and run it to check that it works (including checking that backup restore works!) and to \`/etc/crontab\`, add: \`\`\` 11 4 * * * root /root/tarsnap-backup.sh \`\`\` to make a daily backup task. check back later to see that it worked. # you're done! enjoy <3 END_MARKDOWN